1978年の初代MC 30発売以来、代々の「MC 30」シリーズは同時代の上級ラインのカートリッジで得られた技術をいち早く取り入れ、ハイスペックかつコストパフォーマンスにも優れたシリーズとして伝統を積み重ねてきました。
このMC Q30Sは、MC Q30によって現されたオルトフォンの理想とする現代型サウンドを忠実に引き継ぎつつ、豊富なノウハウを活用することで生まれた「MC 30」シリーズの7代目です。シバタ/サファイアのもたらす、極めてクリアなHi-Fiサウンドをお楽しみいただけます。
- 定価
- ¥135,000(税別)
The Quintet Story
Nothing demonstrates Ortofon's long-standing resilience more than its commitment to the refinement of analogue sound quality and its continued development of new cartridge models. Since 1948 Ortofon has introduced about 100 different Moving Coil models. We believe the cartridges in this new series are more than worthy successors to the long line of models that has made Ortofon the global leader in the manufacture and supply of phono cartridges.
The MC Quintet Series is a direct result
The MC Quintet Series is congruent with Ortofon’s unrelenting commitment to providing the most precise and accurate reproduction possible without coloration:
A special ABS (Acrylonitrile/Butadiene/Styrene) thermoplastic material is used for manufacturing of the body. This light-weight, impact resistant material is very suitable for injection-moulding and provides a very durable scratch resistant surface.
Neodymium magnets are implemented to achieve an optimal output.
Low internal impedance makes the cartridge less sensitive to load and therefore ensures compatibility with the widest range of preamps and transformers.
【公式YouTubeチャンネル】MC Qシリーズのヘッドシェル取付手順
【公式YouTubeチャンネル】MC Qシリーズの内部構造を3Dモデルでご紹介